Friday, January 16, 2015

January 16,2015

             Next week we will be reading a story called Officer Aero and Mike.  It is a non-fiction story about a police officer and his dog.  We will be comparing it to the story Officer Buckle and Gloria.  We will work on the comprehension strategy of inferring.  In grammar we will work on prefixes and suffixes.

            We will continue to work on place value in math.  We will be working on number patterns, comparing numbers and skip counting by 5’s, 10’s and 100’s to 1,000.

  Student  of the Week
Shruthi is the Student of the Week!  She likes paint, play dress-up and squirt people with water guns.    Her favorite animal is a dog.  Her favorite color is pink.   When Shruthi grows up, she wants to be a Doctor.

Parent/Teacher Conferences
            Parent/teacher conferences will be held the week of February 9th.   I will send the link to sign up for a conference if I feel a conference is necessary at this time.  The email with the link will be sent on January 20th.  If I do not contact you, then I feel a conference is not necessary at this time.

Jan. 30 – Pajama Day
Feb. 11 – Early Dismissal at 12:00
Feb. 12 – Valentine's Day Party at 2:00