Wednesday, December 9, 2009

December 11, 2009

Next week we will be enjoying doing Christmas Around the world and holiday activities. We will not be reading a new story until January. We will have a spelling unit on holiday words and a test on Friday.
Our next story will be about a girl who loves to draw and paint. To surprise her grandmother on her birthday, she hangs up her artwork up at the subway station where her grandmother works.
In phonics we will be focusing on the the vowel pairs ee, ea and the suffixes -tion and -ture.
Vocabulary words are booth, station, plaque, subway, token, collection.
Comprehension strategies are making inferences and evaluating.
In grammar we will be working on nouns and how they change when they are a plural.

In math we be finishing our chapter on 2-digit subtraction. We will have our chapter test next week. Our next chapter will be on Data and Graphs. Please remember to practice flash cards daily.

Social Studies/Science
Next week we will be learning about Christmas Around the World. We will learn about the customs of six different countries in the world. After the holidays, we will start a new chapter on the Earth. We will learn about landforms, crops, climate, producers and natural resources.

Student of the Week
Kyle is the Student of the Week! He likes to play soccer and video games. His favorite color is blue and his favorite animal is a dolphin. When Kyle grows up, he wants to be a Teacher.

We are having a book exchange before our party. Please send in a wrapped children's book leveled for 2nd or 3rd grade to school by Dec. 17th. It should cost no more than $5.00.
On Dec. 18h we will have our holiday party. The helpers will be arriving to set up at 1:50. No siblings are allowed at school during parties, guest readers or helping in the classroom.

Field Trip
We will be caroling at the Fairview Nursing home on Thursday, December 17th. The children are to bring a bag lunch that day. No hot lunch will be served since our lunchtime will be after the caroling.

Dec. 17 - 2nd grade Christmas Caroling
Dec. 18 – Holiday Party and book exchange
Dec. 21-Jan. 3 – Winter Break
Jan. 4– Classes resume

I am wishing you and your families a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

December 3, 2009

Next week we will be having a writer's workshop on persuasive writing. The children will be learning how to persuade someone of something through their writing.
In phonics we will be focusing on the digraphs th, wh, sh, ch and the long vowel sounds of e and a.
In grammar we will be working on combining sentences.

In math we are continuing to work on 2-digit subtraction. We will be using addition problems to help us solve subtraction problems, estimating differences, problems solving and using mental math to find the differences. Please remember to practice flash cards daily.

Social Studies
We started Junior Achievement this week. Our teacher is Mr. Coonce. He teaching us about “Our Community” to supplement our social studies curriculum. We are discovering a variety of occupations, developing an awareness of how businesses operate within the community, and increase their understanding of how citizens must take responsibility for the well-being of the community.

Student of the Week
Meera is the Student of the Week! She likes to play soccer and watch TV. Her favorite color is green and her favorite animal is a cheetah. When Meera grows up, she wants to be a Doctor.

We go outside for recess unless the wind chill is below 20 degrees. The children need to bring snow pants and boots in order to play in the snow. Any child who needs to stay inside for recess will need a doctor's note. For inside recess, no Pokemon cards of any kind are allowed at school. Please keep all cards at home.

Monthly Reading Logs
Pizza Hut coupons and lunch in our classroom with a movie reward was earned for turning in your reading log with 21 days of reading! Congratulations to all who earned the reward! Keep reading throughout the month of December.

Dec. 17 - 2nd grade Christmas Caroling
Dec. 18 – Holiday Party and book exchange
Dec. 21-Jan. 3 – Winter Break