Friday, August 31, 2012

August 31, 2012


                        Next week we begin the theme Silly Stories.  Our story is Dragon Gets By by Dave Pilkey. We'll read what happens when a dragon has no food in his cupboard goes shopping and buys more food than he can fit in his car!  We will talk about food groups and what makes a balanced diet.  The comprehension strategies will be summarizing, cause and effect, and problem solving.
            In spelling, we will be focusing on the short vowel sounds of a and i.  Beginning on September 10th, the children will have a pre-test of the week's spelling words on Monday. The words that they are responsible for learning will come home highlighted on their spelling list.  They are to study those highlighted words and they will be tested on them on Friday.  A blue spelling homework sheet will be sent home on Mondays.  The spelling homework is due on Friday. 


            In math we started out the year with reviewing various addition strategies such as showing different facts for the same sums, identifying and using order property to review facts to 12 and counting on to find the sum of an addition problem.    They should be practicing the math facts each night. 
            Next week we will work on identifying and adding doubles for sums to 18 and writing number sentences to solve problems.

            This week we implemented an approach to discipline called Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS).  PBIS is a proactive systems approach to establishing the behavioral supports and social culture needed for all students in a school to achieve social, emotional, and academic success.  
We began by establishing clear expectations for behavior that was taught, modeled and reinforced across all settings and by all staff. 

            Our school year is off to a good start.  The children seem excited to be here and are ready to learn.

Our library day is Monday.
Curriculum Night is on September 6th at 7:00 p.m.
Scholastic Book Orders are due Sept. 7th.
Fall Book Fair and Ice Cream Social is on Sept. 13th
Early Dismissal (12:00) is on Sept. 28th