Friday, April 24, 2009

April 27, 2009

We will be reading the story called The Art Lesson. It is about a boy named Tommy who loves to draw pictures. When he is old enough for art classes at school, Tommy is disappointed to learn that he can only have one piece of paper, and only use eight crayons.
The vocabulary words are crayons, powders, practice, chalk, smock, ruin and copy.
In phonics we will be focusing on words with the vowel pairs oo, ew, ue, and ou. We will review base words with the endings -ed and -ing.
Comprehension strategy is evaluating, understanding, problem solving and making judgments.
In grammar we will be working on irregular verbs .

In math we a new chapter on measurement. We will be learning how to use non-standard and standard units of measure. We will learn how to measure in inches, centimeters, feet and yards.

We will be learning to write the cursive capital letters K, U and reviewing the capital cursive letters we have done so far. Please review the lowercase letters with your child.

Social Studies
We will be learning about our country long ago. We will be introduced to Native American groups, early settlers who came from Europe and explorers who led the way for westward expansion.

We will be celebrating summer birthdays before the end of our school year. Write me a note and we can pick a date to celebrate your child’s summer birthday.

Open House
I enjoyed seeing everyone at the Open House! Thank you to everyone who for the gift certificates for the book fair. I was able to purchase books for our classroom to enjoy. I appreciate your thoughtfulness! The children have been working very hard and it shows in their beautiful work. I’m very proud of them and you should be too.

ABC Countdown
The ABC Countdown will begin on April 30. This is a countdown of fun activities during the last 26 days of school using the ABC’s. We need some edible donations. I am looking for someone to send in popsicles, ice cream cups with spoons, and lollipops. Let me know if you can donate any of those items.

May 7 – High Touch/High Tech in-school field trip
May 22 – Field Trip to Morton Arboretum
May 25 – Memorial Day – No School

Monday, April 20, 2009

April 20, 2009

We will be taking the OLSAT tests this week. This is not a test that your child can study for, they just have to try to do their best.
We will be reading two stories called More Stories Julian Tells and Slippery Siblings.
In phonics we will be reviewing words that end in -le and -er, contractions, base words that end in -ed and -ing, and the silent consonants b and k (n).
Vocabulary words are advice, curve, instructions, message, travel, bobsled, catchers, course, run, straightaways.
Comprehension strategy is making generalizations, following directions and making judgements.
In grammar we will be working on the past and present tense verbs .

In math we will be finishing our chapter on patterns. Our chapter test will be on Thursday. Our next chapter will be on length, perimeter and area.

We will be learning to write the cursive capital letters E and N. Please review the lowercase letters with your child.


Our larvae have now formed a chrysalis, They will will remain in this stage for approximately 7 to 10 days. They are now inside a butterfly pavilion. You can view them at Open House.

Open House
Our spring open house will be on April 23rd from 6:30-8:00. All family members are welcome to attend and see all of our beautiful
work on display.

We will be celebrating summer birthdays before the end of our school year. Write me a note and we can pick a date to celebrate your child’s summer birthday.

April 20-21 – OLSAT Testing
April 22 – Earth Day
April 23 – Open House and Book Fair
April 24 – Early Dismissal

Thursday, April 9, 2009

April 13, 2009

Thank you to the parents who sent in the Animal report sheets. We will be using those to write an expository report in school. We will be writing a five paragraph essay on our chosen animal. These will be on display at Open House.

In math we are starting a new chapter on patterns next week. We will be identifying, predicting and extending patterns.

We will be learning to write the cursive capital letters D and C. Please review the lowercase letters with your child.

We are learning about the life cycle of the butterfly. We have two containers of caterpillars (larva) that we are observing with magnifying glasses. We are keeping a journal to record what we are learning and the growth of the butterflies.

Open House
Our spring open house will be on April 23rd from 6:30-8:00. All family members are welcome to attend and see all of our beautiful work on display.

Supplies Needed
We will be doing a special project in April. We need an empty toilet paper tube and an empty egg carton for the projects. Please send in one tube and one egg carton to school with your child.

Character Counts
The pillar for April is Citizenship. Are you a good citizen? “I am a good citizen because I throw away my garbage in the garbage can.” “ I follow the classroom rules.” “I follow the rules when I ride the bus.” We will be wearing purple on Fridays.

April 15 – Animal Posters Due
April 17 – Science Assembly
April 20-21 – OLSAT Testing
April 22 – Earth Day
April 23 – Open House and Book Fair
April 24 – Early Dismissal