Friday, March 6, 2009

March 9, 2009

This week we will be reading a photo essay called Brothers and Sisters. It is about younger and older brothers and sisters. As we read, we will share information about our families and make generalizations.
In phonics we will be focusing on two syllable words ending in -er.
Vocabulary words are newborn, distract, twins, pest, teenage.
Comprehension strategy is making generalizations.
In grammar we will be working on verbs.

In math we will be learning about three-dimensional objects and classifying them according to their attributes. We will be focusing on the shapes of sphere, cone, cube, cylinder, pyramid and rectangular prism.

We will be learning to write the cursive letters n, m, and y. Please review the lowercase letters with your child.

We will be measuring weather by recording the temperature and learning about the water cycle.

Student of the Week
Matthew is the Student of the Week! He likes cars, the White Sox, dogs and eating soup. His favorite color is green. When Matthew grows up he wants to be a Scientist.

Supplies Needed
We need 3X5 index cards for science. Please send a package to school. Thank you.

Character Counts
The Character Counts pillar for the month of March is Fairness. I am fair when I play games honestly. I am fair when I share my toys with others. Have your child show their spirit by wearing orange every Friday in March.

Mar. 10 – Report Cards
Mar. 12 – Early dismissal day
Mar. 13 – Parent/Teacher Conferences – No School
Mar. 17 – Stellaluna Field Trip
Mar. 20 - Spring Break Begins
Apr. 6 – Classes Resume