Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 16, 2009


This week we will be reading a story called Jalapeno Bagels. It is about a boy named pablo who spends an early morning at his parents' bakery. When Pablo decides which bread he will bring to school for International Day, he chooses one that shows his Mexican-Jewish-American heritage.
In phonics we will be focusing on contractions.
Vocabulary words are bakery, culture, customer, dough, ingredients, recipe.
Comprehension strategy is following directions.
In grammar we will be working on present tense verbs.

In math we will be finishing our chapter on three-dimensional objects. Our chapter test will be on Thursday. Our next chapter is on plane figures which includes triangle, square, rhombus, rectangle, trapezoid, circle, pentagon, hexagon, octagon and decagon.

We will be learning to write the cursive letters y, x, and v. Please review the lowercase letters with your child.

We will be reviewing the weather concepts and taking our test on Tuesday. I am sending home the Science book on Monday for your child to study. Please make sure they return the books to school on Tuesday.

Social Studies
We will begin a new chapter on our Country today. This unit will focus on the government. We will learn about the local government and the federal government.

Thank you to the PTO for giving us the assembly called Ease to Tease. We learned about teasing others and how it feels to be teased. We discovered better ways to treat others with differences.

Report Cards/Conferences
Thank you for attending conferences this past week. Please remember to sign your child’ report card envelope and return it to school. Thanks.

Mar. 17 – Stellaluna Field Trip
Mar. 30 - Spring Break Begins
Apr. 6 – Classes Resume