Friday, October 31, 2008

October 31, 2008

Next week we will working on the theme wrap up of the unit Nature Walk. We will read a fiction and non-fiction story about owls.
We will be working on the comprehension strategies of predict/infer, question, monitor/clarify and contrast.
Our vocabulary words are clearing, echo, meadow, owling, pumped, shadows, threading, rarely, active, blend, outlined and curved.
In phonics we will be focusing on the long vowel sounds of o, u and e.
In grammar we will be writing telling sentences and questions.

In math we are working on adding two digits with regrouping. Our chapter test will be on Thursday. Our next chapter continues two digit addition with regrouping. Please remember to practice flash cards daily.

We are working on animals and plants. If you have any old magazines we could use them for some activities in school.

Red, White and Blue Day
November 3rd is red, white and blue day. Don't forget to wear something with those patriotic colors. We will be voting and learning about elections.

Student of the Week
Ian is the Student of the Week! He likes to eat at Pizza Hut, legos and playing video games. Ian wishes that he could have a WII game system. His favorite colors are blue and black. When Ian grows up he wants to be a Football Player.

Halloween Party
Thank you to Mrs. Meyer and Ms. Zimmerman for organizing our party. Thank you to Mrs. Doss, Mrs. Cimbalista, Mrs. Maschio and Mrs. Peloso for helping with the party. We had a great time!

Nov. 3rd – Red, White and Blue Day
Nov. 4th – Teacher Institute Day – No School
Nov. 6th – Picture Retake Day
Nov. 11th – Veterans' Day – No School
Nov. 19th - 2nd Grade Music Program
Nov, 26-28 – Thanksgiving Break