Monday, October 6, 2008

October 3, 2008

Next week we will be reading a fictional story about a boy named Henry who goes camping with his parents and his dog Mudge. Each one of them enjoys camping, but not for the same reasons.
We will be working on the comprehension strategies compare and contrast.
Our vocabulary words are backpack, campfire, hike, lanterns, camping and tent.
In phonics we will be focusing on the long vowel sounds of a, o and u., and the sounds for g.
In grammar we will be reviewing telling sentences and asking questions.

In math we will be finishing our chapter on Place Value. We will have a chapter test on Wednesday. Our next chapter is on number concepts and patterns. We will be learning about ordinal numbers, greater than, less than, odd and even numbers and skip counting. Please remember to practice flash cards daily.

Social Studies
We will be finishing our chapter on communities and where we live. We will have a test on Thursday this week.

Student of the Week
Antonio is the Student of the Week! He likes dogs, Hershey kisses, football and chocolate chip cookies. Antonio wishes that he could have a dog. His favorite color is red. When Antonio grows up he wants to be a baseball player.

Please make sure your child has snack. We have some snacks that parents have donated to our class for children who forget their snacks. Thank you for the donations.

Oct. 10th – Robert Crown Field Trip
Oct. 10th – Gym Night
Oct. 13th – Columbus Day – No school
Oct. 22nd – Early Dismissal Day
Oct. 24th – Halloween Fun Fest
Oct. 31st – Halloween Parade and Party