Friday, December 14, 2007

Week of December 17, 2007

We have been working on the letter “Gg” this week. Our poem for the week was Where is My Gingerbread Man? We found the Gg’s our poem. We practiced printing the capital and lowercase Gg and completed My Gg Book. We read a variety of Gingerbread stories and compared and contrasted the differences in each story. We decorated gingerbread men and we did a special caring/gingerbread activity with Mrs. Hansen. We started out the week with a Gingerbread Man in our room and he ran away! We followed clues throughout the week to finally find him in Mrs. Hansen's office!
In math we are working on the numbers greater than 10. We are learning to compare numbers up to 20 in terms of which is more and which is less. We are also writing these numbers to match groups.
A Peek at Next Week…
Letter: Cc
Theme: Christmas/Caring
Math: Numbers 11-20

Our “Holiday Party” will be held on Friday, Dec. 21st from 10:15-11:15 for the morning class and from 2:00-3:00 for the afternoon class.
Each child will need to bring in a Christmas decorated gift bag with their name on it to hold all their goodies!

Important Dates
Dec. 21- Classroom Holiday Party
Jan. 7- Classes Resume after Winter