Monday, December 10, 2007

Week of December 10, 2007

We have been working on the letter “Rr” this week. Our poem for the week was Santa’s Reindeer. We found the Rr’s our poem and talked about punctuation marks periods and question marks. We practiced printing the capital and lowercase Rr and completed My Rr Book. We talked about the silent e in words how it changes the vowel’s sound. Our new popcorn word was like for this week.
In math, we are continuing to work on numbers 11 to 20.
A Peek at Next Week…
Letter: Gg Theme: Gingerbread
Math: Numbers 11-20

Holiday Parties
Our “Holiday Party” will be held on Friday, Dec. 21 from 10:15-11:15 for the morning class and from 2:00-3:00 for the afternoon class.
The kindergarten teachers have decided to have the children bring in candies/trinkets (such as candy canes, stickers, pencils, etc.) for the class instead of purchasing a gift for a gift exchange.
In case you want to do some shopping this weekend, there are 17 students in the A.M. class and 16 students in the P.M. class. You may send in your candies/trinkets anytime during the week of December 17th. He/she will pass them out the day of the party. Each child will need to bring in that week a Christmas decorated gift bag with their name on it to hold all their goodies!

Important Dates
Dec. 14 – Pajama day
Dec. 21- Classroom Holiday Party
Winter Break Begins
Jan. 7 – School resumes