Thursday, February 13, 2020

Week of 2/17/20-2/21/20

Thank you to our amazing moms who organized and ran our
Valentine’s Day Party.

I’ve noticed that some of the children are missing lots of supplies;
can you ask your child what they need?  Maybe a trip to Target
or Walmart is in order! It could be pencils, colored pencils,
crayons, etc.!

Come to the Darien McDonald’s on Wednesday for McTeacher Night!
It’ll run from 4:30 - 7:30.  Should be fun! I’m lovin’ it!!!

I hope you all have a great 4-day weekend. Happy President's Day!

Coming Up Next Week:

Spelling:  New spelling words and the menu will be coming home on 
Tuesday. Homework will be due on or before 2/27. There will
be less time to complete the homework!

Reading & Language Arts:  We’ll be working on our country reports. 
Information on their culture day project will be coming home early
next week. 

In WIN class, we’ll continue our African American history
biography projects.  

Social Science: We continue our science unit on inheritance
and traits. 

Mrs. Walega's Math Class: This week we continue Unit 5 on Multiplication,
Division, and Area.  The times 9 quiz will be on Friday!
There will be a short check-point quiz on Wednesday covering
multiplication and division.

Thank you to the parents who came in for a conference.  It was so 
nice sitting down with you to discuss your child.  

Important Dates:  
02/13 - Valentine’s Day party
02/14 - No School (conference week)
02/17 - President’s Day (no school)
2/28 - Institute Day (no school)

3/12 - Early Dismissal