Friday, November 16, 2012

November 16, 2012

Next week we will be working on fables, fairy tales and Thanksgiving activities.  There will not be a newsletter next week.
            After Thanksgiving, we will be reading about a boy from Chinatown and everything that happens in Chinatown – a very busy place.  We will learn something about Chinese culture, kung fu and tai chi.    
            We will be working on the comprehension strategies of summarizing and story structure.
            Our vocabulary words are apartment, delivery, handcarts, market and celebrations.
            In phonics we will be focusing double consonants, consonant digraphs, and reviewing the vowel sounds ai, ay, ow, ou, ee and ea.
            In grammar we will be working on nouns and plurals.


                                    In math we are continuing to work on 2-digit subtraction.  We will be using addition problems to help us solve subtraction problems, estimating differences, problems solving and using mental math to find the differences.  Please remember to practice flash cards daily.

Student  of the Week
Jonas is the Student of the Week!  He likes to do Tae Kwon Dow, know two languages and he has been to Europe five times.  His favorite animal is a lion.  His favorite color is orange.   When Jonas grows up he wants to be a Doctor.

The children did a great job at the Dinostar performance last night!  Thank you to Ms. Wyse for leading such a great show!  I am very proud of them!

Social Studies
We are learning about the Pilgrims, the Native American Indians and the First Thanksgiving.  We will learn about the Pilgrims and how the First Thanksgiving was created.

Nov. 21, 22, 23 – Thanksgiving Holiday – No School
Dec. 22-Jan. 7 – Winter Break

Happy Thanksgiving!