Friday, March 19, 2010

March 19, 2010

This week we will be reading a story called Jalapeno Bagels. It is about a boy named Pablo who spends an early morning at his parents' bakery. When Pablo decides which bread he will bring to school for International Day, he chooses one that shows his Mexican-Jewish-American heritage.
In phonics we will be focusing on contractions.
Vocabulary words are bakery, culture, customer, dough, ingredients, recipe.
Comprehension strategy is following directions.
In grammar we will be working on present tense verbs.

In math we finished our chapter on plane figures. Our next chapter is on patterns. We will be learning about identifying, describing, predicting, extending and creating a pattern.


We will be learning to write the cursive letters g, o and c. Please review the lowercase letters with your child.

Social Studies
We started a new unit on people and places in history. We will be learning about landmarks and how people celebrate holidays.

After spring break we will be studying the rainforest.

Student of the Week
Ryan is the Student of the Week! He likes to travel, take pictures and play video games. His favorite color is blue. His favorite animal is a gerbil. When Ryan grows up he wants to be a Scientist.

March 5 – Sean
March 6 – Britta
March 20 - Denny

Supplies Needed
We will be doing a special project in April. We need an empty toilet paper tube for the project. Please send in one tube to school with your child.

Mar. 30 - Spring Break Begins
Apr. 6 – Classes Resume