Friday, February 26, 2010

February 26, 2010

Our next story is called The Great Ball Game: A Muskogee Story. It is a fable about how the birds and animals play ball to decide who is better. The birds don't allow the bat on their team, but he ends up winning the game for the animals.
In phonics we will be focusing on the vowels pairs oa and ow.
Vocabulary words are accept, advantage, argument, penalty, quarrel, and guarded.
Comprehension strategies are rereading for understanding, cause and effect, and summarizing.
In grammar we will be working on plural possessive nouns.

We will be finishing our chapter on solid figures next week. We will be having a math test on Thursday. Our next chapter will be on plane figures and spatial sense. We will learning how to identify plane shapes, plane figures and combining the figures to make shapes.

We will be learning to write the cursive letters k and r. Please review the lowercase letters with your child.

Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher Conference slips went home with your child. Please sign and return the slips as soon as possible.

Student of the Week
Britta is the Student of the Week! She likes to go horse back riding and play softball. Her favorite colors are red and green. Her favorite animal is a dog. When Britta grows up she wants to be a Singer.

Elizabeth Ide PTO
Elizabeth Ide is looking for new PTO board members. If you are interested please contact Liane Raso or Mrs. Hansen for more information.

Character Counts
The Character Counts pillar for the month of March is Fairness. I am fair when I play games honestly. I am fair when I share my toys with others. Have your child show their spirit by wearing orange every Friday in March.

Mar. 2 – Casimer Pulaski Day – No School
Mar. 9 - Strega Nona Field Trip
Mar. 9 – Report Cards
Mar. 13 – Parent/Teacher Conferences – No School