Friday, November 20, 2009

November 20, 2009

Next week we will be working on fables, poetry and Thanksgiving activities. There will no no newsletter next week.
After Thanksgiving, we will be reading a photo essay about a boy named David who visits a firehouse with his class. At the firehouse, they see different fire trucks and even help wash one!
In phonics we will be focusing on the the vowel pairs ai, ay and compound words.
Vocabulary words are chief, dispatch, emergencies, fire engine, firefighters, gear, clothes, guess and order.
Comprehension strategies are topic, main idea and details.
In grammar we will be working on special nouns.

In math we are exploring how to subtract 1-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers and then subtracting 2-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers. Our chapter test will be on Tuesday. After Thanksgiving, our next chapter will be a continuation of 2-digit subtraction. Please remember to practice flash cards daily.

Student of the Week
Sean is the Student of the Week! He likes to play soccer. His favorite animal is a bear and his favorite color is blue. When Sean grows up he wants to be a Fireman.

Social Studies
We learning about the Pilgrims, the Native American Indians and the First Thanksgiving. We made a Native American Indian scene and next week we will learn about the Pilgrims and how the First Thanksgiving was created.

Music Concert
The children did a great job at the music concert! I am very proud of them!

Nov. 20th – End of the 1st Trimester
Nov, 25-27 – Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 1st – Reading Logs are due
Dec. 1st – Report Cards
Dec. 1st-4th – Parent/Teacher Conferences
Dec. 4th – No School

Happy Thanksgiving!