Friday, May 22, 2009

May 22, 2009

We will be reading two stories called Join the Circus and Raymond's Best Summer. Both stories focus on special talents of children.
The vocabulary words are athletic, performance, circus, pyramid, contraption, somersaults, ability, intermediate, certificate, laps, paces and demonstrates.
In phonics we will be focusing on the vowel pairs oo, ew, ue and ou.
Comprehension strategy is the author's viewpoint, noting details and problems solving.
In grammar, we will be working on adjectives including a, and and the.

In math we are learning about adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers. We will be solving problems with and without regrouping. We will have our chapter test on Thursday . Our next chapter is on multiplication.
We will be learning to write the cursive capital letters G, S and L. Please review the letters with your child.

We are learning about energy. We will be learning about heat, light and color.

ABC Countdown
Tuesday: Rock and Roll Day
Wednesday: Sports Team Day
Thursday: Take a Break Day
Friday: Under the Desk Day

Thank you to Mrs. Pakowski, Mrs. Rios and Mrs. Zimmerman who supplied our ice cream, lollipops and push-ups for our ABC Countdown. We loved eating them!

Field Trip
We enjoyed our field trip to the Morton Arboretum. We had a beautiful day filled with learning about ecosystems. Thank you to Mrs. Maschio and Mrs. Zimmerman who helped with our field trip.

June 11 – Brock
June 23 – Antonio
July 9 – Amelia
July 17 - Jeny

School Picnic
On May 29th the PTO will be providing a McDonald's lunch for the students. We will be having a hamburger, chips, fruit snacks and a juice box. If your prefers you can send a sack lunch that day. We will be having a fun-filled afternoon with games and activities.

May 25 – Memorial Day – No School
May 29 - School Picnic
June 5 – Last Day of School