Friday, September 19, 2008

September 19, 2008

Our story for next week will be Mrs. Brown Went to Town, by Wong Herbert Yee. This story is about a woman whose farm animal move into her house while she is away. They have a lot of fun.
We will be working on the comprehension strategies of predicting outcomes and connecting and comparing. Phonics lessons will include the long vowels a and i following a cvce pattern (consonant, vowel, consonant, silent e) Vocabulary words will be commotion, wearing, delivered, tire, feathers, releases. High-frequency story words are floor, letter, move, poor and word. Our grammar lessons will focus on verbs.
We will be starting our RTI reading groups on Monday. Please read the letter that is going home.

In math we began working on subtraction. We are working on fact families, counting back and using addition to solve subtraction problems. Next week we will finish our chapter on subtraction.
Please remember to review math facts with your child.

Student of the Week
Dave is the Student of the Week! He likes to play soccer. Dave wishes that he didn't have to clean up. His favorite color is pink. When Dave grows up he wants to be a Verizon Wireless worker.

Just a reminder that snack is to be a healthy snack. Fresh fruit, cheese, goldfish crackers, pretzels, and 100% juice are the choices for snack. Please remember this when packing snack for your child.

We are following the stoplight behavior program in our classroom. We have a chart in the front of our green folders telling you what your child's behavior was for the day. Please review this with your child.

September 24th_ Book Fair 6:30-8:00
September 25th -School Pictures
October 10th – Gym Night
October 13th – Columbus Day – No School