Friday, January 8, 2010

January 8, 2010

Happy New Year!

Our next next story will be Jamaica Louise James. It is about a girl who loves to draw and paint. To surprise her grandmother on her birthday, she hangs up her artwork at the subway station where her grandmother works.
In phonics we will be focusing on the the vowel pairs ee, ea and the endings -tion and -ture.
Vocabulary words are booth, station, token, plaque, subway and mayor.
Comprehension strategies are evaluating and making inferences.
In grammar we will be working on nouns that change the spelling in the plural.

In math we finished our chapter on data and graphs. Our next chapter will focus on probability. We will predict if an event is certain or impossible, record possible outcomes, and solve problems by making predictions.

Dec. 18 - Joey
Dec. 19 – Michelle
Dec. 31 - Erin

Student of the Week
Denny is the Student of the Week! He likes to play PS2 games and eat donuts. His favorite colors are black and blue. His favorite animal is a reindeer. When Denny grows up, he wants to be a Mall Cop.

Reading Logs
Most of the children turned in their reading logs for the month of December and earned a pajama day reward and a Pizza Hut coupon. We will be earning a Six Flags ticket and Ozzie ticket if your child turns in a log for both January and February. I sent home January logs to those who didn't return their December reading log.

We are starting a new unit on the Earth's surface and natural resources. We learned how the Earth changes and how landforms are made. Next week we will learn about sand, soil, rocks and how fossils are made.

Supplies Needed
Your child will need to bring in for math a small container (with name on lid) with the following coins. 20 pennies, 10 nickels, 10 dimes and 7 quarters. Please send this in as soon as possible.

Each child needs to bring in a shoe box for making a valentine holder. The box needs a lid that fits on the box. Make sure your child's name is on the box.

Jan. 14 – Vision and Hearing Screening
Jan. 18 – Martin Luther King's Birthday – No School
Jan. 22 – Magic of Books Assembly
Jan. 29 – Movie Night