Friday, January 22, 2010

January 22, 2010

Our next story is called Officer Buckle and Gloria. It is a humorous fictional story about a policemen who loves to give safety tips to school children, but nobody every listens – until he brings a dog named Gloria.
In phonics we will be focusing on the the vowel pairs ow and oa, r-controlled vowels or and ar, and the endings -tion and -ture.
Vocabulary words are accident, audience, officer, attention, commands, and safety.
Comprehension strategies are drawing conclusions and monitor/clarify.
In grammar we will be working on nouns and pronouns .

In math we working on counting money. Next week we will have a test on this chapter on Tuesday. Our next chapter will continue with money. We will be learning how to make change, add and subtract money amounts and learn about the decimal point and dollar sign.

Student of the Week
Peter is the Student of the Week! He likes to play soccer and games on the Wii. His favorite color is blue. His favorite animal is a lion. When Peter grows up, he wants to be an Artist.

Our first cursive letter was lowercase i. Please review the formation with your child and complete the homework sheet that was sent home.

Social Studies
Next week we will learn about the local government, state government and the election process.

Progress Reports
Next Friday Progress Reports will be sent home to those children who are having difficulties with either academics or behavior in the classroom. Not all children will be receiving a progress report.

Thank you to the PTO for the Magic of Books Assembly. We enjoyed the assembly and learned that Reading is Magical!!

Feb. 2 – Institute Day – No School
Feb. 8 – Iowa Testing
Feb. 8 - 100th Day of School!
Feb. 12 – Valentine's Day Party at 2:00
Feb. 15 – President's Day – No School
Mar. 1 – Casimer Pulaski Day – No School