Monday, May 5, 2008

Week of May 5, 2008

We read our weekly poem, A Little Seed. We have been reading fiction and non-fiction stories about plants. Our new popcorn word this week was “little”. We have been writing in our ABC Countdown Journals daily about the special activity of the day. We are working on starting sentences with a capital letter and ending with punctuation marks.
In math we have been working on subtraction. Put some objects on a table and take some away, how many are left. Have your child tell you the math problem.
A Peek at Next Week…
Theme: Plants/Frogs
Math: subtraction

We had eight tadpoles in our class but they all passed away. We adopted one from Mrs. Finn's class. We will watch its growth and development. It is an African Water Frog and it can reach 3 ½” long. The water frog can live in an aquarium just like fish when it is full grown.

Book Fair
Thank you to all the children who purchased gift certificates from the book fair for our classroom. It was very generous and thoughtful of you! We are enjoying reading the new books in class.

ABC Countdown
Monday: Dance Day
Tuesday: Earth Day
Wednesday: Funny Feet Day
Thursday: Green Day
Friday: Hat Day

We are collecting $6.00 per child to cover the cost of the zoo, a music assembly, mothers day project and graduation supplies. Please send the money (cash only) by Thursday, May8th.

Important Dates
May 15- Brookfield Zoo Trip
May 25 –Memorial Day-No School
June 4 - Graduation Day