Friday, February 10, 2017

February 10, 2017

            Next week we will be reading a story called City Green.  It is a story about citizens working together to improve their neighborhood.  We will focus on the comprehension strategy of retelling.  We will be sharing our slide presentation of our country next week.
            Next week we will be finishing our chapter on time and money.  We will be taking a chapter test at the end of the week.

 Student  of the Week
Fredrick is the Student of the Week! He likes to run very fast, play video games and play basketball.  His favorite animal is a jaguar.  His favorite colors are red and black.  When Fredrick grows up, he wants to be a Scientist.

 Happy  Birthday!
Paul – February 12

Valentine’s Day Party
Thank you our Valentine’s Day party was great!  Thank you to Mrs. Bowers, Mrs. Corpora, Mrs. John, and Mrs. Martyka who organized our games and ran our party.   Thank you to Mrs. Wawro, Mrs. Stamenkovich, Mrs. Ording, Mrs. Bowers, Ms. Motti and Mrs. Ahmed for supplying the snacks for our party.  Thank you to Mrs. Wawro for wrapping our valentine boxes.  Your support and generosity are greatly appreciated!  The children had a wonderful time!

On Valentine’s Day, February 14,  your child may bring one valentine for every child in the class (21 students).  Please make sure that your child signs the valentines but doesn’t address them.  We will be passing them out to our classmates on February 14th.

 Feb. 16 – Spring Picture Day
Feb. 17 – No School –Conferences
Feb. 20– President's Day – No School
Feb. 21 – Six Flags Reading Logs are due