Friday, January 13, 2017

January 13, 2017

          Next week we will be reading the stories, Biblioburro and My Librarian is a Camel.  These stories are about lending libraries.  We will focus on questioning as we read the stories.  In grammar, we will learn about synonyms and antonyms. 

Money Needed!
**Please make sure you send in the following coins in a baggie (with your child's name on it) please include the following coins:  20 pennies, 10 nickels, 10 dimes and 7 quarters.**  They will take them home after our money chapter.  Please send this in by Tuesday, January 17th

                                  Next week, we will finish our chapter on 3 digit addition and subtraction and have a chapter test.  We will begin a chapter on counting money in math.  Please review the names of the coins and their values.  Practice counting a group of various coins.

Valentine Shoe Boxes
            Each child needs to bring in an empty shoe box for our valentines.  Please bring these in by February 1st.  We will need some volunteers to wrap the boxes with white paper.  Let me know if you can help us!

 Student  of the Week
Ryan is the Student of the Week!  He likes to build with legos, play soccer, and can run very fast.    His favorite animals are a wolf and a bear.  His favorite color is blue.   When Ryan grows up, he wants to be a Paleontologist.

Jan. 31 – Pajama Day
Feb. 1 – Reading logs are due
Feb. 2 – Early Dismissal at 11:35
Feb. 11 – Classroom Valentines Party

Feb. 14 – Pass out valentines