Friday, May 4, 2012

May 4, 2012

                         We will be reading the story called The Art Lesson.  It is about a boy named Tommy who loves to draw pictures.  When he is old enough for art classes at school, Tommy is disappointed to learn that he can only have one piece of paper, and only use eight crayons.
            The vocabulary words are crayons, powders, practice, chalk, smock, ruin and copy.
            In phonics we will be focusing on words with the vowel pairs oo, ew, ue, and ou.  We will review base words with the endings -ed and -ing.
                        Comprehension strategy is evaluating, understanding, problem solving and making judgments.
            In grammar we will be working on irregular verbs
                                    In math we started our chapter on 3-digit addition.  We are remembering when we need to regroup in order to add.  We will be taking our chapter test on Tuesday.  Our new chapter will be on subtracting 3-digit numbers.

            We have had ten butterflies emerge from their chrysalises.  We have watched them grow and develop into the adult stage.  It was time to say good-bye.
We let our butterflies go out into nature.  We enjoyed learning about the development of butterflies.  We were sad to see them go.

Field Trip
We had a great time going to the DuPage Children’s Museum.  Thank you to the PTO for paying for part of our field trip.  Thank you to our chaperones Mrs. Rossi, Mrs. Aldaqaq and Mrs. O’Connor for helping us to explore the museum and creating our geo-boxes.  We had a great time!

 Happy Birthday!

Dawud – August 22

May 18 – Early Dismissal at 12:00
May 25 – Pen Pal visit to Prairie View
June 1 – School Picnic
June 5 - Last Day of School